Our Partners

WBM foundation is working for the betterment of our environment and ultimately for humans as well. Working since 2004, they aim to plant as much trees as possible to fight climate change, reduce CO2 from the atmosphere, and reduce organic and inorganic pollutants from the air via trees. Creating a harmony between modern life and nature, working for a perfect eco-centric future utopia.

Working together with Governmental departments like Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA), Pakistan Horticulture Authority (PHA), Punjab Forest Department and many other departments including private sectors, WBM have planter more than a billion trees already! Now together with their and your support, we can achieve the 1.5°C goal and make this planet a better place to live.
Wish a tree is working with WBM for plantation process. Against each order of customer, we purchase the tree from WBM. Trees are planted and maintained by WBM.